
If you are having trouble receiving the registration code, you can try the following steps to resolve the issue:

    1. Allow a few minutes before attempting again, as there may be delays in SMS delivery.
    2. Make sure that your mobile device has a stable network connection and that cellular data is enabled.
    3. Contact your mobile carrier to verify if messages to your number are being blocked.

To obtain your online account on, please follow these simple instructions:

    1. Visit our website and click on the “Join” button, which will redirect you to the registration form.
    2. Enter your phone number in the specified field.
    3. Create an 8-character password that includes a combination of letters and numbers.
    4. Provide your first and last names.
    5. Leave the promo-code box blank and accept the terms and conditions.
    6. Click the “Sign In” button to complete your registration.
    7. You will receive an SMS confirmation code to verify your account.
    8. Enter the code on the website to activate your account.
    9. Congratulations! Your account is now active, and you can begin depositing, betting, and playing!

To register an account at, please click here to access the registration form.